This weekend was the weekend when Adam (my boyfriend) and Tomas (my friend) came to visit! They flew in from LAX to Heathrow nonstop on a redeye and got in Friday morning. I went up from Oxford with Julie and Bryn and the 5 of us had a grand time in London.
On Friday we checked into the hotel (we stayed in Chiswick – quite lovely) and then went to Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, and Trafalgar Square. Then Adam and I went to dinner at a Moroccan restaurant for our anniversary. The decorations were really lovely – all sorts of reds and oranges and candles everywhere. The food was very good but there was so much of it! My couscous alone could have fed a family of 4.
On Saturday we went to Parliament, Westminster Abbey (the line was outrageous so we decided that us 3 girls would go back the last weekend we are in London), the London Eye, and the Globe. We ate lunch before all of these locations at a pub while the Manchester United v Arsenal game was on. I enjoyed listening to the reactions of the pub attendees to the game. It was pretty funny how into it they were. Adam had Bangers and Mash – good job for being traditional. Tomas had a hamburger. Tsk tsk.
Then we continued on to our destinations. Being in the London Eye was very cool. The view was amazing and I was pretty fascinated with just looking at how the giant ferris wheel was working – our little pod was slowly turning 360 degrees so that the top was the bottom and the bottom was the top, if that makes any sense. The Globe was very neat to tour, but it made me wish I had gotten to see a show. To be a “groundling” – watching a show from the floor –was only 5 pounds! Oh well, can’t have everything. For the nightlife we went to Covent Garden which was a lot busier than I thought it would be, actually.
Sunday we went to the British Museum. We saw mummies, statues from the Pathanon, samurai swords and the Rosetta Stone. I think I could probably spend an entire day at the British Museum, there was just so much to see!! For lunch we had…..wait for it….MEXICAN FOOD!!! I had missed it oh so so much. My enchiladas were, truth be told, not incredibly outstanding, but they tasted so good because I hadn’t had any Mexican food in so long. Julie, Bryn and I devoured our chips and salsa within minutes. It was so wonderful.
Then we took the boys up to Oxford and got there just in time for basically everything to close. So we went to our pub that is across the street from our house (the Six Bells!) and Tomas paid Bryn 3 pounds to eat a pickled egg. Gross. But hey, that’s 6 US dollars and the way things are going it could be 7 next week. Hahaha
It was an amazing weekend. I realized that not only am I lucky to be able to go to London for a not too large sum of money whenever I want, but I’m also lucky to have such amazing people in my life who are willing to fly across a continent and ocean to see me. Awwwww, what a mushy ending to this blog post.
On Friday we checked into the hotel (we stayed in Chiswick – quite lovely) and then went to Buckingham Palace, Picadilly Circus, and Trafalgar Square. Then Adam and I went to dinner at a Moroccan restaurant for our anniversary. The decorations were really lovely – all sorts of reds and oranges and candles everywhere. The food was very good but there was so much of it! My couscous alone could have fed a family of 4.
On Saturday we went to Parliament, Westminster Abbey (the line was outrageous so we decided that us 3 girls would go back the last weekend we are in London), the London Eye, and the Globe. We ate lunch before all of these locations at a pub while the Manchester United v Arsenal game was on. I enjoyed listening to the reactions of the pub attendees to the game. It was pretty funny how into it they were. Adam had Bangers and Mash – good job for being traditional. Tomas had a hamburger. Tsk tsk.
Then we continued on to our destinations. Being in the London Eye was very cool. The view was amazing and I was pretty fascinated with just looking at how the giant ferris wheel was working – our little pod was slowly turning 360 degrees so that the top was the bottom and the bottom was the top, if that makes any sense. The Globe was very neat to tour, but it made me wish I had gotten to see a show. To be a “groundling” – watching a show from the floor –was only 5 pounds! Oh well, can’t have everything. For the nightlife we went to Covent Garden which was a lot busier than I thought it would be, actually.
Sunday we went to the British Museum. We saw mummies, statues from the Pathanon, samurai swords and the Rosetta Stone. I think I could probably spend an entire day at the British Museum, there was just so much to see!! For lunch we had…..wait for it….MEXICAN FOOD!!! I had missed it oh so so much. My enchiladas were, truth be told, not incredibly outstanding, but they tasted so good because I hadn’t had any Mexican food in so long. Julie, Bryn and I devoured our chips and salsa within minutes. It was so wonderful.
Then we took the boys up to Oxford and got there just in time for basically everything to close. So we went to our pub that is across the street from our house (the Six Bells!) and Tomas paid Bryn 3 pounds to eat a pickled egg. Gross. But hey, that’s 6 US dollars and the way things are going it could be 7 next week. Hahaha
It was an amazing weekend. I realized that not only am I lucky to be able to go to London for a not too large sum of money whenever I want, but I’m also lucky to have such amazing people in my life who are willing to fly across a continent and ocean to see me. Awwwww, what a mushy ending to this blog post.

hahaha, funny me.

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