Sunday, October 7, 2007

Searching for Druids

Wow, I’ve been kind of lazy, and I definitely apologize. Time to get back on track. So on Oct 6 Julie and I went down to London to hang out with my good friend Reeses (she goes by Nicola in the real world). who is a nanny for two Austrian boys for a year. They are named Maximillian and Johannes - the best Austrian names ever, I think. We went to Kings Cross to see Platform 9 ¾ (it was kind of odd, there isn’t really a real barrier between the two platforms – oh JK Rowling). Then we decided to go to the West End and see how much a show was. We ended up buying tickets to see Spamalot. Our tickets weren’t superb, but the show was soooo good. And beforehand we ate dinner at a pub and I had Bangers and Mash and tried some of Reeses’ Toad in the Hole. Then we took Reeses back to Kidlington with us.

The following day was her birthday and also the day when my Uncle Steve came to visit! He had a rental car so he drove us to Stonhenge, Longleat, and Bath. Sonehenge was amazing. I had heard from everybody that it was just a pile of rocks, but I have to say that I found it very incredible. They had a very nice audio tour set up, even though it was a little melodramatic. Julie’s favorite part was when the audio tour guide said that “the rocks were dropped like teeth into the gums of the earth.”

We went to Longleat after Stonehenge and walked through a real life hedgemaze!! I felt a little like I was in the fourth Harry Potter, but that’s just because I’m a complete nerd like that. It was so fun and I think I’m going to grow a hedge maze in my backyard as an adult. Just give me about 50 years.

After Longleat we went to Bath, which is where there used to be – you guessed it – Roman Baths. We took a tour of that and it was incredible. There is a natural hot spring in bath and the Romans figured out how to not only use it to fill large pools of water, but also as a floor heating device. At the end of the tour you could drink some of the Roman Bath water. It used to be known for healing paralysis, palsy, and ague. Well, it tasted like liquid copper. Warm liquid copper. But hey, at least I can walk again!

It was a very lovely day and I very much appreciate my Uncle for taking us to Stonehenge, Bath, and Longleat.
Julie and Reeses in front of Stonehenge
the Longleat Manor - someday it shall be mine....
Reeses in the hedge maze
the hedge maze from a tower up high
there's Uncle Steve!
Julie is sticking her hand out of the side of that wooden triangle, if you can see it
this river in Bath was way cool looking - they made a sort of tiered waterfall
Roman Bath - the main pool
the natural hot spring - I could feel the heat from it, it was lovely!

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